Work with one of our Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coaches

Work with a PSI Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach

Psychosynthesis holds that we are all in an evolutionary process of integrating seemingly separate parts of ourselves to express our whole, true Selves.  Rather than feeling stuck or sabotaged by a situation in life or by limiting beliefs about ourselves, we can find true understanding and compassion for ourselves, and others, releasing our potential to confidently live our deepest truth.  The Self calls us to our essentially unique expressions of qualities that we are born with: beauty, grace, compassion, persistence, determination, dynamism and many more. These qualities can be thought of as variations of Love and Power (Will), which are the colors of our true Selves, manifesting as our personal drives, callings and longings to be the best we can be.

Psychosynthesis Coaching is a co-created process of uncovering and using those qualities and energies to be your best self, to manifest personal goals for work and relationships, with others, and with your Self.

Coaching often involves aligning the parts (or subpersonalities) that  feel at odds with each other.  (“I want to lose weight, but I can’t seem to control my eating habits,” “I want a different job, but I’m afraid to give up my security,” “I want to stand up to my parents, but I feel like a little kid around them.”).  It may involve creating strategies for manifesting specific goals and it may involve the process of inquiry into life and life's various problems and opportunities. The arena of work for coaching is wide, covering, all aspects of the evolution of life.

Psychosynthesis Coaches and clients work together to honor, integrate and synthesize your core qualities, your inner and outer resources and the Call of your Self to allow your energy and creativity  to flow into manifesting your life goals. That is the goal of the work we enter together in Psychosynthesis Coaching.

Val Silidker, Co-Founder of PSI
Jessica Love
Alyssa (Shannon) Whitehouse
Ariana is a Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach, Instructor, and Mentor at Psychospiritual Institute
Vienna Jasmin
Sabine Morgan Psychosynthesis Life Coach
Anjani Amriit Psychosynthesis Life Coach
Jaclyn Fernandes
Julie Clark Board Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach
Anouk Tompot Psychosynthesis Life Coach Certified by Psychospiritual Institute
Jaime Durso
Maria Luisa Ovalle Psychosynthesis Life Coach
Ariel Eva Psychosynthesis Life Coach
Marcoantonio “Jai” Lee Psychosynthesis Life Coach
Sandra Trujillo
Adam and Claudia are Psychosynthesis Life Coaches certified by Psychospiritual Institute
Ché Ashley
Erika Trice
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AnaCristina Psychosynthesis Life Coach