Become a Board Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach

For new and seasoned coaches, mental health professionals, and all who want to build a heart-centered business that transforms you and creates the deepest impact for your clients and our world.

Our next Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Leadership Certification Program begins in March 2025. Classes are live and attended 100% online. Choose either the day cohort or the evening cohort. 

Enroll by the end of October and receive $1,000 off your tuition and a special bonus!


Psychosynthesis Coaching Can Transform Our World.

Psychosynthesis is an evolutionary process that teaches us how to be the Loving Observer and work with the contents of our consciousness rather than become identified with it. Who we are is so much deeper. When we rediscover our core self with curiosity and compassion, when we learn how to listen to our own inner wisdom, we live more soul aligned and more fully self-expressed. We welcome the fullness of our experiences, and we transform.

As a Psychosynthesis Life Coach, not only will you live this process, but you will also learn transpersonal psychological theory, advanced coaching skills, and techniques, so you can confidently support others to do the same. You will help guide your clients in their own process of soul discovery as they learn to embody their potential for healing and contribution.

What a beautiful way to support yourself and help heal our world.

As former university professors, published authors, psychotherapists, board certified coaches, business and marketing professionals, and seasoned facilitators, our team values high-level education and embodied, experiential learning. Our program is world-renowned, deeply comprehensive, engaging, and life-transforming on many levels.

Psychospiritual Institute is accredited by:
Psychospiritual Institute is a Registered Certified Training Provider by the CCE for the BCC
Become a Board Certified Coach BCC

Our Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Leadership Certification Program leads to Certification as a Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC). Qualified graduates may also earn the BCC Accreditation.

In our Psychosynthesis Life Coach and Leadership Certification Program, you will join an inspiring community of emerging leaders, who feel the shift in our world and want to be a catalyst for change.

Our program brings together psychology, spirituality, deep ecology, and conscious business. We focus on three key experiences to support you to create deep transformation within yourself and your clients, as you build your dream business.

Transform Yourself and Step into Awakened Leadership - Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Leadership Certification Program

1) Transform Yourself and Step into Awakened Leadership

We can only help others transform at the level of transformation we’ve experienced ourselves. Our Certification Program begins with you.

You will embody the process of Psychosynthesis:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of Psychosynthesis through advanced transpersonal theory and practices that will deepen your self-awareness, expand your perception, and inspire a more authentic relationship to life.
  • Experience guided exercises, somatic work, deep ecology, personal coaching, reflective practices, and do the work on yourself. This is how you learn to guide from an embodied space.
  • Understand the root causes and break through your own blocks to embody your soul potential and develop your confidence to live your life and take inspired action from the heart. You will deepen your leadership, feel more alive, more aligned, and ready to take bold steps that honor your ideal vision for your life.

2) Confidently Guide Others

From a deeply embodied space, you will use the same tools to masterfully coach your clients within this comprehensive framework.

  • Master your transpersonal coaching skills and develop deep competence and confidence in your ability to guide others through our integrative framework. 
  • Inspire your clients to reach their soul potential as you bring your embodied knowledge and wisdom into the coaching relationship to create core transformation and lasting change. 
  • Understand how to create a space for transformation that is soul-led, so your clients can learn to integrate their wounded parts, embrace their soul qualities, and radiate their gifts into the world.
Become a Confident Life Coach
Build a Thriving Soul-Centered Life Coaching Business

3) Create or Scale Your Soul-Centered Coaching Business

Your business is an extension of you. We will teach you the foundations of building a successful business and support you through the process of getting it started or taking it to the next level. Many of our students have their first clients well before they graduate!

  • Understand how to create a profitable business that inspires healing and soul potential in others, and feels fulfilling on every level.
  • Build a business foundation that is solid and attracts clients from a space of flow and ease.
  • Learn our psychospiritual approach to business and receive the blueprint to understand the tools, systems, and processes you need to grow and scale your coaching business to six figures and beyond.

The Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Leadership Syllabus

Our program is a rich Journey Into Self. It is spiritual, practical, and deeply rooted in science and psychology.

Our comprehensive curriculum gives you a rich education in transpersonal psychology, as well as advanced coaching skills that span a wide range of techniques. Take a look at our syllabus to get a full view of what you will learn when you join us.

This Program Transforms Lives!

Sandra Trujillo

"Going through this program was such a powerful experience. I feel so ready to go out there and share all the incredible tools, practices, and guidance of Psychosynthesis. This work has had a great impact on my life, and I have been doing deep work for a long time. It's given a framework and a language to some of my peak life experiences expanding my awareness, inspiring determination, and leaving me feeling capable of taking action at will. It's been so beautiful to witness the person you are guiding find those connections as well. I am forever grateful for this opportunity."

Sandra Trujillo

Michelangelo Arcamone

"This program went beyond my expectations in terms of its quality, its depths and richness, and the level of genuine support and care from all the staff. In fact, after our first intensive weekend, I thought all my investment had been worth it just to experience that and could not imagine what more could come after that in terms of self-understanding and growth."

Michelangelo Arcamone

Our next Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Leadership Certification Program begins in March 2025.

Classes are live and attended 100% online. Choose either the day cohort or the evening cohort. 

Enroll by the end of October and receive $1,000 off your tuition and a special bonus!

Program Details

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Begin Your Transformation in March 2025. Choose either the day or the evening cohort.

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Over 40 live, online, and interactive classes weekly classes.

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Celebrate Your Mastery & Receive Your Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) Certificate in December 2025.

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Three experiential, profoundly connecting Weekend Intensives on Zoom.

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Sharpen your skills through regular co-coaching practice with fellow students both inside and outside of class

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Mentor coaches support you throughout the program with three 1-1 coaching calls and monthly small group meetings, and you are supported by our entire team and senior teachers every step of the way.

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Practice and strengthen your coaching skills together with the guidance of our team.

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Special sessions with renowned psychosynthesis educators and elders from around the world on select Saturdays throughout the program.

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Lifetime access to an exclusive online library filled with resources, coaching + business templates, guided exercises, supplemental videos, your class recordings, and much more.

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Post graduation, we offer continued education, the opportunity for monthly Alumni meetings, and resources, to keep you connected to our PSI community and our global psychosynthesis community.

Monica Reyes Psychosynthesis Life Coach

"This was one of the MOST amazing experiences of my life. I was a coach going into the 9-month Psychosynthesis Life Coaching program and I sought more structure and connection. I got SO much more than I ever imagined!"

Monica Reyes

Jai Sol Ramirez

"Amazing leadership, team, and curriculum! I have taken coaching courses before, but this was by far the best and most impactful one. Psychosynthesis is an extremely powerful modality and they do an excellent job of teaching it in an engaging and experiential way. Val Silidker [Co-Founder of Psychospiritual Institute] is a rockstar who is living her dharma and this school reflects it."

Jai Sol Ramirez

As a Psychosynthesis Life Coach...

You will feel empowered to hold transformative space for others and make a meaningful difference in our changing world. You will have the tools to work 1-1, facilitate groups, speak on stages, create transformational retreats, build online or in-person programs, and implement other creative ways to bring this work to your clients and community.

Our graduates bring Psychosynthesis into a variety of fields, including women’s empowerment, conscious parenting, health and wellness, business, couple’s work, working with teens and children, corporate environments, plant medicine integration, psychotherapy, leadership, and more.

Our graduates have become International speakers, published authors, CEOs, and highly successful six and seven-figure entrepreneurs.

This is absolutely possible for you too.

The Coaching Industry is Growing

Not only are more individuals seeking coaching, but there are more businesses hiring coaches than ever before.

According to the ICF’s 2020 Executive Summary of their coaching research findings: “The estimated global total revenue from coaching in 2019 was $2.849 billion U.S. dollars.” And the coaching market has grown approximately 30% since 2019. Coaching is a strong industry that continues to grow. 

In a world that is suffering and longing for support, we need extraordinary coaches. Coaches who live and guide from a deeper soul-centered and global context and who can support the kind of awareness and change our world needs. Coaches that nurture a wider perspective that leads to deep healing for their clients.

Our world needs coaches for a New Generation.

It’s your time to create a thriving coaching business. Do what you love, love what you do, and make a difference in our world! 

Join our next Psychosynthesis Life Coach and Leadership Certification Program.

Julie Clark Board Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach

"I recommend this program to anyone who is in the position of guiding others as well as for those who are seeking their own personal spiritual growth and healing."

Julie Clark

Erika Trice

"I cannot say enough good things about Psychospiritual Institute's Life Coaching program. It is so thorough, heartfelt and life-transforming. I highly recommend it for anyone who is wanting a deep immersion into the field of life coaching with a more spiritual emphasis."

Erika Trice

Invest in Your Future

The tuition for the Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Leadership Certification Program is conscientiously chosen to be only a fraction of the cost per hour of a standard private coaching or counseling session, making this profound and comprehensive training approachable for those devoted to their personal and spiritual evolution.

Giuliana Olivo

"One of the best decisions of my life was taking the 9-month certification course! If you really want to dive deep into yourself and bring more harmony into your life, Psychosynthesis will show you the way! We are changing the world from the inside out."

Giuliana Olivo

Latasha Estabrooks

"There is so much depth within this program. I like many people have wondered about many programs receiving blessings from each. The great blessing from stepping into this community, this space, this graduate program is vast. I have received a deepening into my soul's essence, the very nature of who I am. I have received love & support which I give myself now and which I feel nurtured by the great leaders of this program. My heart is in great reverence for trusting the call to be here and trusting this beautiful process of the transpersonal realm of psychospiritual coaching."

Latasha Estabrooks


Anouk Tompot

"This was a life-changing experience. It prepared me in a grounded, practical way to start my own coaching business and gave me the invaluable gift of reconnecting with my essence. Their unique combination of helping you to become aware of all your parts in a loving, non-judgmental, and accepting way makes all the difference between wanting to hide from yourself and living a shallow life and feeling whole, capable, fully resourced. The program unfolded organically and allowed me to connect with that spark deep inside again. I befriended long-neglected wounded parts and learned to value their gifts. I feel deeply grateful for the meaningful connection with my cohort- a true community! The teachers are loving and knowledgeable. Having a dedicated mentor was invaluable."

Anouk Tompot

Dass Shanti Kaur Psychosynthesis Life Coach

"The psychosynthesis life coaching program was the most powerful and transformative training program I have experienced. I have gone through other programs that have been rewarding, however, my growth through the Psychospiritual Institute was one that truly changed my life..."

Dass Shanti