Ways to Work Together

Ways to Work Together

Certified Psychosythesis Life Coach graduates of Psychospiritual Institute
PLC Course fully online with live interactive classes
Psychospiritual Institute Graduates

CCE Accredited Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Leadership Certification Training

Our comprehensive, fully accredited training program is based on the transpersonal psychology of Psychosynthesis. It explores the evolutionary potential of human consciousness and blends science and spirituality through seven core concepts of transformation that address the whole person and our larger planetary shift

Our unique approach to coaching is deeply grounded in science and combines transpersonal psychology, eco-psychology, leadership skills, and conscious business development. Our students feel deeply transformed and connected to our world, as they master self-coaching, embody confident coaching skills with lasting results for their clients, and develop their coaching businesses so they can make a meaningful difference in our world

Find out more about our Board Certified Psychosynthesis Coach Training and Leadership Program. The next course begins September 2025. Classes are live and attended 100% online.

Alyssa Whitehouse, co-founder of psychospiritual institute, coaching with a psychosynthesis life coach student.

Coaching & Mentoring

We work with you to learn how to observe your inner world. Together, we will illuminate and integrate your limiting patterns, so you can radiate your core qualities, authentic self, and deepest sense of purpose. As your ally and guide, we support you in creating alignment, soul-level confidence, and clarity in your life, business, relationships and in your greater mission and contribution to our world. You will experience personal breakthroughs that fundamentally restructure your mindset, develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and freedom, and strengthen your ability to make powerful decisions that move your life forward.

Find out more about our one-on-one coaching and mentorship packages.

Online Self-Coaching Mastery Course

Courses & Workshops

We offer courses for self-coaching mastery, deep resilience, and awakened leadership, both in person and online. We are also available to work with groups and businesses and offer mindset, leadership, and mindfulness programs that uplevel performance and strengthen intrapersonal connections in the workplace.

Find out more about our courses and workshops.

Inner Fire Retreat by Psychospiritual Institute at Villa Sumaya

Awakened Leadership Retreats

Psychospiritual Teachings & Practices + Deep Ecology + Soul-Centered Leadership + Adventure

There is strength in community. Our retreats are an immersion in the soulful work of reconnecting to ourselves, each other, and the wild land, as we nourish our souls and ignite our holy fire for our sacred work in the world. You will experience psychospiritual teachings, profound ceremony, embodied deep ecology, joyful play, and the rapture of being more fully alive!

We create our retreats to be as fully inclusive as possible. Along with profound inner work, our days are filled with opportunities to relax, restore, reconnect, and deepen ourselves, with open space to explore and experience life in the local areas.

[SOLD OUT] INNER FIRE: A Retreat for Soul Nourishment, Deep Resilience, and Awakening Inner Leadership

We will share our 2025 retreat date, location, and information soon!


Chelsea Jean - PSI Graduate

"I took this course expecting it to change my life. What it did was completely transform my way of being and help me to uncover who I actually am and hold that person with unconditional compassion. I now have the language, tools, and courage to hold others in the same regard and confidently and joyfully teach them to embrace love, consciousness, and curiosity. I have nothing but endless gratitude for the teachers in this program. This was beyond worth every ounce of time, energy, and investment."

Chelsea Jean

Nathan Wainwright - PLC graduate

"The program has changed my life forever, and I am so excited to continue to deepen in psychosynthesis and be connected to this global community of changemakers."

Nathan Wainwright