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Become a Board Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach

Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach

We are now accepting applications for our next Board Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach and Leadership Training, which begins June 5, 2023.

Our online June 2023 training will take place on four extended weekend intensives on zoom (Thurs eve + Fri-Sun) between June 2023 through Jan 2024, and 14 live zoom classes on Mondays 7-9pm ET. Also includes: supervised coaching labs, personal mentors and small mentor groups, special guest teachers, bonus classes, a soulful community of incredible changemakers, and much more!


I’ve been a hypnotherapist for many years and felt the need to add another layer to my practice. I knew that, in addition to delving into the subconscious, I wanted to work soul to soul with clients to help create a bigger wave of existence for them. Combining hypnotherapy and psychosynthesis allows us to gently and fully expand from a new depth with curiosity, intuition, and wild wisdom . After completing my time with the Psychospirtual Institute, I found alignment and success quickly, naturally, and lovingly. Using what they taught me, I called on my own intuition and authenticity to grow my practice in a way that was truly an extension of my spirit and intention that met those of others. 

Mary L. Smith,
Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Hypnotherapist

I cannot say enough good things about Psychospiritual Institute's Life Coaching program. It is so thorough, heartfelt and life transforming. I highly recommend it for anyone who is wanting a deep immersion into the field of life coaching with a more spiritual emphasis.

Erika Trice

Erika Trice,
Psychosynthesis Life Coach & Yoga Instructor / Teacher Trainer


A most wonderful deep dive into the Self, gaining wonderful tools along the way to then be integrated and shared for the healing of our world. I am forever grateful for the experience and for the amazing guides who held space for me, my beloved wife (as we shared the journey together) and all who shared in the space.


Adam Pacitti,
Psychosynthesis Life Coach

Going through this program was such a powerful experience. I feel so ready to go out there and share all the incredible tools, practices, and guidance of Psychosynthesis. This work has had a great impact on my life, and I have been doing deep work for a long time. It's given a framework and a language to some of my peak life experiences expanding my awareness, inspiring determination, and leaving me feeling capable to take action at will. It's been so beautiful to witness the person you are guiding find those connections as well. I am forever grateful for this opportunity.


Sandra Trujillo,
Psychosynthesis Life Coach